We now have Electronic Instrument Panel Voltage Regulators for your Mustang. They are a huge improvement over the mechanical original style. We have them for the 65-66 Mustang - Our part number IN4991 and the 67-68 Mustang-Our part number IN4992.
-Mounted behind (on back of) panel that holds gauges in dash.
-Factory cans and brackets give a stock appearance and provide an easy installation.
-Much more accurate than the stock style, mechanical regulators.
-Over voltage (surge) protected. Prevents potential damage to the regulator or gauges caused by a damaged charging system, wiring problems or high amp battery chargers.
-No heat is generated from this style regulator.
-Completely eliminates gauge damage caused by sticky original style mechanical type instrument voltage regulators.
-Generates no radio interference.
-Eliminates pegging of gauge needles on start-up, which can eventually lead to gauge failure.
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