From the desk of Troy Kruger, the photographer of the 2008 catalog car.
This is the second installment of a series of articles, which will help you create that spectacular photograph that you yearn for. Last time we learned how to use both natural and artificial lighting to help achieve great shots. Click here to see Part 1 in the series of articles. This week, we’ll learn how to position your camera for that money shot.
When taking pictures of your car, please remember that the car is the star, so pick a good location/background that doesn't detract from your car and that contrasts with the car's color/paint nicely. Be aware of your surroundings. Look for reflections in your car showing parking lot stripes, telephone poles and wires, busy tree branch/leaf reflections, clouds, building windows, people, and the camera/photographer! If you can find an open clear area with a nice clear horizon behind you, you have a great spot. If choosing a location such as a store or gas station, always choose a location that appears OLDER than your car.
If you remember nothing else, remember this easy tip: Turn your wheels so that the wheel face of the front exposed wheel is aimed at the camera. Nobody wants to see your tire treads. This is a common mistake, and the easiest error to avoid.

Use a ladder or climb on a roof and take some perspective shots from up high. This works great with convertibles and cars with stripes. The ladder is also very helpful for shooting the underhood shots, especially if you are a bit vertically challenged. You should always be using your tripod when you can.

Don't be afraid to take 100 pictures of your car - you may only get a dozen that you can actually use! Digital media is cheap - your time for a re-shoot isn't. Speaking of digital, we’ll discuss equipment in our next installment. Good luck, and happy shooting.
More tips are available on my website:
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