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Jul 18, 2016

Mustang Bedspread from the 1966 JC Penney Christmas Catalog (Part 2) !!!

This 1966 Mustang Bedspread was offered in the 1966 JC Penney Christmas Catalog.

Back in March of this year, we wrote a Blog post (click here to see it if you missed the original post) about the incredibly cool Mustang bedspread that was listed in the 1966 edition of the JC Penney Christmas Catalog. How many of us remember just studying those Christmas Catalogs from Sears and Penney!!?

Anyway, the bedspread was called a "Mustang Spreadmobile"..."a speedy way to a child's heart" It was available in red and blue for twin sized beds. The price listed was $12.88. Matching curtains and valance were also listed.

This 1966 Mustang Bedspread was offered in the 1966 JC Penney Christmas Catalog.

Imagine my surprise when I received one in the mail just last week! A very nice lady was cleaning out her 88 year old mother's house and found one of these Mustang bedspreads in brand new condition! It had been her brother's. Curious about the origins of the bedspread, she headed to Google to search for information about it. She found our original Blog post and decided to send it our way. Wow! We were floored and very thankful!

This 1966 Mustang Bedspread was offered in the 1966 JC Penney Christmas Catalog.


Anonymous said...

I have been looking for one of the Mustang spreadmobile bedspreads since reading your post. I was fortunate to have found one last week. The original owner told me it was her Sons and was bought at JC Penny’s. She offered it to her grandson but he did not want it, lucky for me.

Anonymous said...

I still have mine. Used to love playing on it, like I was actually driving.

Anonymous said...

The kid in the Peter Sellers move The Party has one. Check it out, 1968.