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Oct 24, 2008
69-70 Firewall to Steering Column Seal

Oct 22, 2008
69-70 Mustang Tail Light Panel Brace

Here is another new part that just arrived. This is the brace that welds to the center of the back of the tail light panel in the trunk. It is the part that the gas filler neck passes through. We have had them for 65-66 Mustangs (SM990 for Coupes and Fastbacks/SM991 for Convertibles) and 67-68 models. The new part is for 69-70 Mustangs and is part number SM9981.
Oct 21, 2008
Mustang Transmission Crossmember Support Braces

We get lots of calls for the transmission support braces (crossmember) for Mustangs. Well, they are finally available and in stock. The 65-66 model is part number EG2334 and features the parking brake bracket like the original. The 67-68 model is part number EG2335.
Oct 17, 2008
John Murphy's 1965 Mustang GT Fastback

Oct 15, 2008
65-67 289 High Performance Harmonic Balancer

Oct 13, 2008
Customer Car Feature-1966 Mustang Coupe
We want to thank Jimmy Stephens from Tennessee for sending us pictures and information about his nice Candy Apple Red 1966 Mustang Coupe.
Jimmy purchased this car just two months ago. It was last painted in 1998 and also has a restored interior. It was originally built in San Jose, CA in November of 1965. During the mid '90's the body and paint work was done along with the engine and transmission rebuild by an owner in Michigan. The last owners had the car for the last seven years performing minor improvements. The car has been used for car shows and cruise in's for the last seven years. It was the last owner's engagement present!
Some of the improvements include power steering and a "Daily Driver" Air Conditioning system along with chrome accessories in the engine compartment.
Jimmy sold his '06 Honda Civic and plans to use this '66 Mustang as his everyday, daily driver.
If you would like to see your Mustang featured on our Blog; please click here, and we will tell you how!
Oct 10, 2008
65-66 Mustang Instrument Bezel with Woodgrain

Oct 8, 2008
1972 and 1973 Mustang Colorized Wiring Diagrams on CD

1965 Mustang
1966 Mustang
1967 Mustang
1968 Mustang
1969 Mustang
1970 Mustang
Oct 6, 2008
Control Valve to Cylinder Power Steering Hoses

Oct 3, 2008
68-72 302 and 351W Valve Covers

Oct 1, 2008
Ford Tooling Taillight Panel