
Aug 28, 2020

New Seat Upholstery and Foam in the Shelby Mustang Makes a Huge Difference!

The Green Shelby Mustang gets new seat upholstery and foam.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

When your original seat upholstery in your Mustang is not split or torn, it's very tempting to just leave it alone. 

I tell you though...this stuff is over 50 years old, and it's usually flat worn out. This is what we learned in our "driver" GT350 - 1966 SFM6S1732 - we affectionately just call it "the green car."

The seats were super nice, but they were just "flat". The foam in the pleats in the upholstery itself was worn out, and, of course, the seat foam just was not doing its job any longer either. We love to drive this car, and it was time to make it more comfortable!

Of course, we turned to Jeremy at Maple Hill Restoration. He completely stripped the seats to prepare them for recovering. The metal frames were in excellent condition, but while they were bare, Jeremy glassbeaded, epoxy primed, and painted them.

We pulled the new TMI seat upholstery from our shelves along with new TMI seat foam. These items just fit so well and make an absolutely huge difference. That new foam is just so much more comfortable!

Keep watching our posts for more little tweaks that we will be making to this GT350 in preparation for some road tours this Fall!

Get out and enjoy your vintage Mustangs and Shelbys!

If you are interested in replacing the seat upholstery and foam in your Mustang, check out these links:

The Shelby Mustang seats were in great condition. They had just lost their "cushion". New seat upholstery and foam would take care of the problem.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The Shelby Mustang seats were in great condition. They had just lost their "cushion". New seat upholstery and foam would take care of the problem.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The Mustang seat upholstery was carefully removed.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The original markings on the back of the seat upholstery had transferred to the foam.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

This shot shows the original burlap on the seat frame under the seat foam.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The original Mustang seat foam looks great, but it is totally worn out.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The original Mustang seat frames were in amazing shape, but we wanted them stripped and repainted.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The original Mustang seat frames were glassbeaded, epoxy primed, and repainted.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The original Mustang seat frames were glassbeaded, epoxy primed, and repainted.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The new seat foam was installed on the front seats. The original rear was reused.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc

The new Mustang seat foam, along with the new upholstery look fantastic and will be so much more comfortable than the 50+ year old stuff.
©Virginia Classic Mustang Inc


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