
Jan 20, 2017

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In
The Petersen Museum in Los Angeles, CA ( is a really cool place. If you are a car guy or gal, it should be on your bucket list. It's even better to visit when Shelbys are involved!

This past weekend, they held their annual Shelby Cruise-In. Being all the way across the country, we (like probably a lot of our readers here) were unable to attend. Fortunately, we can experience it through the great pictures from our friend and fellow blogger, ShelbyGuy. Please check out his blog with more pictures at the following link:

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In

January 2017 Petersen Museum Shelby Cruise-In

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