
Jul 6, 2012

Just the Details...1966 GT350 Shelby Mustang Restoration Project

1966 GT350 Shelby Mustang  Restoration Project.

We have made some previous posts about our next project.  It is a 1966 "Carryover" GT350 Shelby Mustang.  This is an early car-SFM6S033.  The first 252 GT350's that were titled as '66 models were actually '65 Mustangs with '65 Ford VIN's.  To read more about the Carryover GT350's, please visit

This project has been on the back burner since we started preparing our '65 GT350 for the Concours Show at SAAC-37 in Watkins Glen.  Now that is over, we are starting again on this project.  All work is being performed by Jeremy Turner at Maple Hill Restoration.  Jeremy did the work on the '65 and also the HiPo convertible that was featured here in lots of posts.  Jeremy expects to have a web site of his own soon, and we will let you know when that is completed.

In this post, we are going to show you the work on the RH door as the body is prepared.

Dent in the RH '66 GT350 Mustang Door that needs repair.

Dent repair on '66 GT350 Mustang Door.
'66 GT350 Mustang Door (inside shot) has been stripped and glass beaded.
'66 GT350 Mustang Door dents have been removed and  is ready for  epoxy primer.

'66 GT350 Mustang Door is epoxy primed.

Black primer is applied to the interior painted surface.

Outside of the Mustang door is epoxy primed.
Inside of door is epoxy primed in the original red color.

White overspray is applied over the original red primer color.

Our goal with the entire car, just as it is with all our projects, is to restore the car authentically, and to go that
"extra mile" by extensively preparing the body and parts under the final finish.  The door here is a good example.

White overspray is applied over the original red primer color.

We were lucky to have a rust free, original door.  It was not perfect though, and Jeremy first stripped it inside and out by glass beading it.  He then fixed the minor dents.  The inside was epoxy primed to duplicate the original red primer.  After the outside and interior part was also epoxy primed, the black interior surface was also primed in black.  Then the white overspray, like original, was applied to the area under the door panel and the inside of the door.

Interior painted surface of door is masked like original and black epoxy primer is applied.
The entire door was loaded with parts for alignment to the car before this process, and it will be done again before the final overall fitment for the final bodywork on the entire car.  Watch our Blog for lots more information on this project as it progresses.

Door is ready to be fit back on the '66 Shelby.

Door is ready to be fit back on the '66 Shelby.

Inside shot of door.
Door is ready to be fit back on the '66 Shelby.

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